
Showing posts from August, 2017

Fear with a Side of Faith Please

    There I was, my heart racing, my knees weak, my throat dry, my hands trembling, and the thought of vomiting becoming more and more appealing.  I found myself in fight or flight mode.  Every eye was on me and the music began to play....I had practiced so many times, I knew what to do.  Focus Mandy.  I heard the notes I was waiting on to remind myself to take a deep breath, then I began to make a sound.  As I sang, my mind was desperately trying to figure out how to stop making the dreadful noise that was coming out and just do it like I had rehearsed.  Every syllable was shaky, every breath was shallow, the people were all still looking at me!  Now my brain was on autopilot as I sang the words while also discerning every expression on the faces staring back at me. Oh wait! That chorus seemed to come out ok, maybe I can do this afterall!  Nope... I totally messed that part up.... Finally, I was hitting the last note and standing perfec...

My kid did what????

    Many of us have received the message or phone call that starts with, "I don't want to be a tattle tale or get your child in trouble, but I need to talk to you about _______(insert your child's name here).  I have heard my fair share of this phrase.  Not because my children are overly mischievous, just because of the fact I have multiple children and the probability of this happening is much (x4) greater.       I've heard it all.....he was playing a game we don't approve of, she was reading a book we don't allow our kids to read. (those are the easy ones) I've also heard....she was using inappropriate words, he got angry and yelled at my son, and she kicked my husband in a "tender" area!  Those of us who pride ourselves on being morally upright and protective parents never enjoy hearing from another parent whose company we would like to keep, that our child has been a bad influence. You immediately see red, want to take all their technolo...