Fear with a Side of Faith Please

There I was, my heart racing, my knees weak, my throat dry, my hands trembling, and the thought of vomiting becoming more and more appealing. I found myself in fight or flight mode. Every eye was on me and the music began to play....I had practiced so many times, I knew what to do. Focus Mandy. I heard the notes I was waiting on to remind myself to take a deep breath, then I began to make a sound. As I sang, my mind was desperately trying to figure out how to stop making the dreadful noise that was coming out and just do it like I had rehearsed. Every syllable was shaky, every breath was shallow, the people were all still looking at me! Now my brain was on autopilot as I sang the words while also discerning every expression on the faces staring back at me. Oh wait! That chorus seemed to come out ok, maybe I can do this afterall! Nope... I totally messed that part up.... Finally, I was hitting the last note and standing perfec...