
Showing posts from December, 2019

Straight Outta My Thirties

    I’m turning 40 soon. Wait, let me say that again. I will be FORTY soon!  I’ve been saying that for a year now and then immediately saying in my head with my best Scarlett O’Hara voice, “I’ll think about that tomorrow, tomorrow IS another day.” (That I’m NOT turning 40!!)      I can’t really say I’m scared about turning forty.  I’ve watched many others do it before me and life apparently goes on, however, there is a sinking feeling inside.  Kinda like when you’re young and you know you have to go to work tomorrow or start the next semester of school soon.  You would do ANYTHING (or at least I would have) to keep that day from coming, but you know you can’t.  It will come. You will have to face it.       I don’t remember getting older really.  I remember turning 30 and not caring at all (understand that’s the day I found out my mom had cancer, but that’s another story). The rest of those birthdays are a blip in my m...