40 till 40! Week 2.5
It’s funny to see God work sometimes. I don’t mean the “oh you’re so silly, God” type of funny. I mean the “Oh THATS what you meant, God” type of funny. Most of us go about our lives making plans and following through with goals that we’ve set for ourselves, and all of that is admirable and good. BUT... what if the plans and goals you make aren’t exactly what God had stitched together when he prompted you to get in gear! What then? Months ago I felt a fire light up in me to start on a journey of change. Just me. For myself. I felt I needed it! I was turning 40 soon (as you are tired of hearing about, I’m sure... As am I.), my kids were all out of the house during the day now, and it was time to work on me this year. I truly felt God was pushing me to break my mold I had so carefully constructed for myself over the years and step out into something new. As I asked Him daily for guidance, I wasn’t very confident of what He actually...