In The Beginning...
In the beginning. It seems to be a rather wonderful way to begin a story, doesn’t it? There are many possibilities to what you are beginning. The beginning of a true love, beginning of a life story, or the beginning of creation. God seemed to think the words “In the beginning” made a suitable introduction to HIS story, so I will use them as well. This beginning however is not so long ago. This beginning is set merely one year ago. The beginning of 2020. Let me refresh your memory. 2020 began just like other years for most, but for me it was going to be different. I had loafty goals, I was turning 40, and I was gonna rock it. I set everything in place to achieve my goals for the year and worked daily on them. (Even blogging here if you remember) Things were going as planned. What I hadn’t planned on was my plans being ripped up, stepped on, thrown out with t...