The Detestable 7
Oh my word, if I have to hear someone complaining about something they hate one more time I think I may combust. Seriously. Our ears and eyes are inundated with others opinions on this, that, and the other consistently on TV shows, News, Movies, Social Media, and just conversation with others. When did we all get so wrapped up in supporting one anothers hatred towards something. From the simple act of one little girl proclaiming she hates my daughters new outfit and others joining in the ridicule, to one political group hates the opinions of another political group and they begin a full out verbal war to attack each other. It’s happening at all levels, all ages, all demographics. People want to join in the fight. To me, it just seems people are looking to get behind something and win. Well what if I told you I knew some “things" worth hating and you can never lose when you get behind them.
In Proverbs 6:16-19, God tells us 6 things He hates, (and if the creator is saying He hates it and we know hate to be a strong word, maybe we should listen up) then goes on to say…wait, wait, wait.. no there are 7 things He DETESTS! Whoa… Now He detests these things, and when I think of something that detests me I think of foul smells and nausea, or something I can’t even stand to look at or experience. What a picture that paints for how God feels when He sees these things. Speaking for myself, I absolutely would never want to know that God was detested by me or anything that I’ve done. (Obviously, that’s why Jesus came and made us clean of all these things, but that’s another blog-read the New Testament for more on that.) Still I can try to live with these 7 things in mind.
1. Haughty eyes. This means prideful or arrogance, looking down on others.
2. A tongue that lies. Self explanatory I hope, but also includes fake compliments…. (Ouch)
3. Hands that shed innocent blood. (or murder) Side note- you may have never touched a weapon or hatched a murderous plan but Jesus says in Matthew 5:21-24, that anyone who is angry with someone else unreasonably without offering forgiveness commits a sin equal to murder. (Point taken)
4. A heart that devises wicked schemes. (I see you little 10 year old- hatching a plot to steal the last cookie without me noticing…) Okay, maybe a little overboard on the analogy but you get the idea…. And still counts by the way. Kids should have this knowledge too.
5. Feet that are quick to run into evil. This person is just waitng for the guy above to finish making his plan so he can take off running with him.
6. A false witness who pours out lies. Similar to #2 but can also include testifying against someone and not speaking the truth in an effort to see them punished for something they didn’t do. (Man, lots of kids do these things…. “My sister did it!”)
7. A person who stirs up conflict with the community. That could also be read as: A troublemaker within the Family….Gods family. (we’ve all seen that before)
This list seems like a list of rules, sorta like you might see the Ten Commandments. However, the Ten Commandments are mostly regarding your actions. These seven things the Lord detests speak straight to the deep heart motives. Your inner thoughts, your conscience, or soul. Which should (on another note) lead us to realize how real God is! He can speak to our hearts and knows already how our minds and hearts work together to lead us into trouble, because He created us and He wants to spare us from that.
What would happen in our world, if we took the time to be more concerned about the things God hates rather than what other people hate. There would be no more gossip column, no more conspiracies( although I do enjoy a good rabbit hole), no more hurt feelings, or crime of any kind for that matter. Sounds like heaven to me. Nowhere in those verses did God say He hated the person doing these things. He only hates the action. The sin not the sinner. Are we not called to do the same?
Trouble comes from the heart. God knows it, and wants us to know it too. Now that you know... what will you do?